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Avoiding Truck Blind Spots Can Prevent Truck Accidents


Unfortunately, truck accidents are quite common in the United States of America. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2022, over 126,000 large trucks were involved in accidents resulting in injuries and death. While avoiding sharing the road with large trucks is impossible, truck accidents are preventable. Truck drivers must do their part to keep other drivers safe. You, too, can take steps to avoid being in an accident with a truck. One of the best ways to prevent an accident with a large truck is by avoiding the trucker’s blind spots. When you drive in a truck driver’s blind spot, you increase your chances of being injured in a crash.

Understanding Truck Blind Spots

Blind spots are areas around a vehicle where the driver’s view is obstructed. Every vehicle has blind spots. However, trucks have much larger blind spots than regular passenger vehicles. Due to the length and height of a truck, a truck driver can only see a relatively small portion of the road around them using their mirrors.

Trucks have four major blind spots. Understanding the four major truck blind spots is vital for all drivers to ensure safety. The following are the four key blind spots of trucks;

In Front of the Truck

A truck’s front blind spot can extend up to 20 feet in front of the truck’s cab. Truck drivers sit much higher off the ground. Also, many trucks have large “noses” in front. This makes it hard for truckers to see vehicles directly in front of them, especially smaller vehicles.

Behind the Truck

Truck drivers cannot see directly behind their vehicle, so they can’t always tell whether another vehicle is following them. A truck’s blind spot can extend up to 30 feet, which is about two car lengths.

To the Right Side of the Truck

The largest blind spot of a truck is to its right side. This blind spot extends from the side of the cab across the two lanes to the right of the track.

To the Left Side of the Truck

Left-side blind spots are smaller than right-hand blind spots. However, they still pose a significant risk. The blind spot to the left side of a truck extends one lane out from the truck.

Tips for Avoiding Truck Blind Spots

The following are some tips for avoiding truck blind spots;

  • Avoid following trucks too closely. Keep a safe distance when behind a truck to stay out of the rear blind spot.
  • Only drive on the left side of a tuck whenever possible
  • When overtaking a truck, pass quickly on the left side and ensure you can see the truck’s cab in your rearview before moving back into your lane.
  • Only pass a truck when there is enough space and distance.
  • Signal ahead of time when passing a truck or changing lanes.
  • Remember, if you cannot see the trucker’s face in their side mirrors, they likely cannot see you.

Legal Help Is Available

Despite doing everything to stay safe, you can still be involved in a truck accident because of another party’s negligence. In such a case, you can seek compensation for your injuries and damages. Our Charleston truck accident lawyer Gus Anastopoulo has extensive experience helping clients recover the justice and compensation they deserve. To reach us, call 843-310-5555 or fill out our online contact form.



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