Why Should You Take Pictures After A South Carolina Car Accident?

A driver should never use their phone while driving. Distracted driving is dangerous and causes thousands of deaths every year. But, a smartphone can be quite beneficial after a driver is involved in a car accident. First, after a car accident, drivers should use their phones to call the police to the accident scene. Second, drivers should use their phones to call an attorney.
Additionally, after a car accident, a driver should use their phone to take pictures of the accident scene. Many people do not think of photographing the accident scene in the disorienting aftermath of a car accident. However, the truth is that if a car accident victim fails to take pictures of the accident scene, they may regret it later. Photos of the accident scene, taken soon after a car accident, can prove quite beneficial after you file a car accident claim against another party.
What Is the Importance of Taking Pictures After an SC Car Accident?
After being involved in a car accident in South Carolina because of another party’s negligence, you should take pictures of the accident scene because photos can dramatically increase the strength of your injury claim. Pictures taken at the accident scene can be valuable evidence in your injury claim. Photos from the scene of the accident can show evidence of the cause of the accident. They can show contributing factors that may have played a role in the accident. Pictures from the accident scene can show the extent of damages a victim suffered as a direct result of the impact of the crash.
Also, memories can be unreliable. When you have pictures of the accident scene, the pictures can help you accurately remember the details of your accident.
Tips for Taking Car Accident Photos
The first thing you should know regarding taking car accident photos is that you should take the photos as soon as you can after the accident. Accident scenes are usually cleaned up quickly.
Secondly, take pictures from different angles and distances. Take close-ups, medium-distance pictures, and long-distance pictures. The different angles and distances you capture are crucial because important details that are obstructed in one picture may be visible in another.
Thirdly, you need to make sure your photographs are time-stamped. Fortunately, the date and time are automatically stored in most smartphones. But to be safe, make sure you confirm.
Lastly, take as many pictures as you can. You can never take too many accident scene photos. After taking pictures at the accident scene, do not delete some because you think they are irrelevant. Allow an attorney to help you determine which photos are relevant and which are not before deleting any pictures.
What if My Injuries Cannot Allow Me To Take Pictures?
If your injuries are so severe that they cannot allow you to take pictures at the accident scene, try asking someone to help you take the pictures. If no one is available to help, you may be able to take certain pictures, such as damages to your vehicle, at a later date.
Contact a Charleston Car Accident Lawyer
If you sustained injuries in a South Carolina car accident and need help recovering the compensation you deserve, contact our Charleston car accident lawyer at the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm.