Wrong-Way Driving Accidents On The Rise

Wrong-way driving accidents are on the rise in South Carolina and across the country, which is particularly alarming given how serious and oftentimes fatal these kinds of crashes can be. Studies reflect that deaths caused by wrong-way driving accidents have increased to over 500 each year. The truly tragic thing about these accidents, experts say, is that they are almost always avoidable. It’s rare that a car would wind up driving in the wrong direction without any form of negligence being involved. The most common causes of wrong-way accidents include drowsy or distracted driving, and driving under the influence. In fact, statistics show that over 60% of all fatal wrong-way accidents involved a driver who was under the influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs. This means that if you were involved in a wrong-way accident and you weren’t the one going the wrong way, there’s a good chance the other driver was negligent. For this reason, it’s a good idea to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. If you would like to talk to an experienced Charleston, South Carolina personal injury attorney, feel free to reach out to the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm to schedule a consultation.
Suing for Wrong-Way Accidents
As noted above, when a wrong-way accident occurs, it is generally assumed that the party going the wrong way was liable for causing the accident. This can at least make the allocation of liability easier and the investigation shorter, however, it’s not always immediately apparent what kind of negligence caused them to end up going in the wrong direction. Speeding, drowsy, drunk, and distracted driving are all common causes, but weather, confusing signage or lack of visible signage, and vehicle defects and malfunctions can all contribute to causing such accidents. These factors can also all become ways to pursue compensation from parties other than the driver who hit you, who may not have sufficient resources to cover your injuries, particularly if they were driving uninsured. This is critical because the injuries and damages that can occur due to a wrong-way accident are catastrophic and can result in hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in medical and related debt. Often, the only time for a victim to recover is by working with a personal injury lawyer to ensure they get a fair settlement that covers all of their past and future medical needs related to the injury, as well as compensation for their pain and suffering. In some cases, such as where a driver was particularly reckless or malicious with no regard for the possible consequences, punitive damages may also be available.
Talk to the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm
If you have been in a Charleston or greater South Carolina area car accident that was not your fault, the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm is ready to help. Charleston car accident lawyer Gus Anastopoulo will fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are entitled to. Contact the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.